08 November 2006

Have you read the Sunday paper? Comments?

Rosemary McLeod: God help us - Labour's getting religious Sunday Star Times, 5 Nov o6 God is trumps, even in politics. He can be on both sides at the same time. " . . . with the new Western liberalism with which we've replaced it, there's no such master document."

Religion: For God and country Sunday Star Times, 5 Nov o6
Low Key & laid back alright, and praying for what God is doing in all levels of government & society.
Do New Zealanders prefer to keep God out of the argument?

06 November 2006

New Plymouth Viewers

We would love to get to know our viewers better! Being separated by the cold hard glass of the TV could be overcome by meeting face -to-face now and then.

I will be in New Plymouth November 30th and would love to meet viewers there.

Please e-mail and let me know if you are interested in meeting together with other viewers to discuss how you use the programme in your faith community or groups, how we could make it better for you, or how God has worked in your life as a result of SOA's biblical teaching.

We are proud to be locally produced and relevant in New Zealand. We can make the most of that by meeting and creating community.

My email is at the bottom of this blog in the right hand column. Cheers!
