08 November 2006

Have you read the Sunday paper? Comments?

Rosemary McLeod: God help us - Labour's getting religious Sunday Star Times, 5 Nov o6 God is trumps, even in politics. He can be on both sides at the same time. " . . . with the new Western liberalism with which we've replaced it, there's no such master document."

Religion: For God and country Sunday Star Times, 5 Nov o6
Low Key & laid back alright, and praying for what God is doing in all levels of government & society.
Do New Zealanders prefer to keep God out of the argument?

06 November 2006

New Plymouth Viewers

We would love to get to know our viewers better! Being separated by the cold hard glass of the TV could be overcome by meeting face -to-face now and then.

I will be in New Plymouth November 30th and would love to meet viewers there.

Please e-mail and let me know if you are interested in meeting together with other viewers to discuss how you use the programme in your faith community or groups, how we could make it better for you, or how God has worked in your life as a result of SOA's biblical teaching.

We are proud to be locally produced and relevant in New Zealand. We can make the most of that by meeting and creating community.

My email is at the bottom of this blog in the right hand column. Cheers!


23 October 2006

Randall steps in the gap

Randall Brooks, Shore’s interim preaching pastor, praying after a Festival of Worship and just before the baptism of a new follower of Jesus.

DVD sermons spread the word

By Samatha Baden August 16, 2005, The Age

With a shortage of rural clergy, televised recorded services are replacing the traditional minister's sermon in small communities across Australia.

The Uniting Church, Australia's third-largest Christian denomination, is exploring the use of weekly DVDs of sermons and liturgy as part of Project Reconnect.

The church provides pre-recorded DVDs to up to 20 village worship groups considered too small or too remote to have their own ministers.

Project co-ordinator Reverend Tom Stuart said the strategy was conceived to cope with a clergy shortage in his own NSW central west area, including communities near Forbes, Parkes and Condobolin.

The DVDs are also being sent to groups in most states and territories, including the tiny north Queensland grain and cotton town of Theodore.

"These communities typically have a history where their church might have been built maybe in the last 50 years, but now there might only be 12, eight or six people using that same worship place," Mr Stuart said.

He said a handful of detractors had initially considered the DVDs as "TV church", but those involved now saw it as a dynamic, interactive way to reconnect the church and communities.

"It's not about physical reconnection, it's a sense of reconnecting with God, reconnecting with each other and reconnecting with their communities," he said.


04 October 2006

Blogs are awesome !

First Post here on the blogspot after Jill introduced me to it today - this thing is amazing and I hope we can foster great discussion about our programme and our Lord Jesus whom makes it all possible. Welcome to all !

23 August 2006

Reuben & Anna Munn

Reuben served as Shore’s Associate Pastor for a couple of years before going to the US for post-graduate study. Both Reuben and his wife, Anna, will return with Masters degrees from Cincinnati Christian University in December. We look forward to their return for many reasons, but one of the big ones is that Reuben will then be the consistent speaker on ShoreOnAir’s programmes.
Reuben is a gifted Bible teacher who works very hard in study and preparation. He loves the Lord, the Kingdom, his wife and New Zealand! They are excited about coming home and we are excited to have them back.

22 August 2006

What We Believe

The sole basis of our belief is the Bible, comprising the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible was given through the inspiration of God, who used men to pen His words. Therefore, the Bible is the final authority in matters of faith and practice for the believer in Jesus Christ and for His Church.

There is only one true, holy and just God, externally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is all powerful, all knowing and has set in place a plan to save those who trust in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He came to earth, became flesh and was completely God and man. Jesus died upon a cross to bring salvation and forgiveness of sins to those who choose to follow Him. He arose from the grave and is alive and working in His kingdom, the Church. Jesus will come to earth again to bring judgement.

The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father following Jesus' return to Heaven. The Holy Spirit is here to convict men and women's hearts of sin and to provide guidance, assurance, comfort and wisdom to those who believe. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control are outward signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5)

The central purpose of God's revelation through Scripture is to call people into fellowship with Himself. This is made possible through the death of Jesus, and His being raised again to life. The free gift of salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. God's Word gives the following instruction to those accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord:

  • Acknowledge you are a sinner and in need of a Saviour.
    • (Romans 3:23, Act 2:37-38, Ephesians 2:1-3)
  • Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only way for salvation.
    • (1 Peter 3:18, Colossians 1:19-20, Ephesians 2:4-9, Mark 16:16)
  • Confess that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead.
    • (Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, Romans 10:9-10)
  • Turn from your sin and embrace God's way for your life.
    • (Luke 3:8, Acts 2:38, 3:19, Romans 6:1-2, 2 Corinthians 7:10)
  • Be baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    • (Romans 6:3-10, Colossians 2:11-12, Acts 2:38, 22:16)

All those who continue to live by faith under the Lordship of Jesus Christ can be assured of their Salvation and the promise of eternal life with God.

How are the Vines doing?

Many ShoreOnAir viewers have asked how Jeff & his family are doing. They have settled in nicely in Savannah, Georgia in the US. Jeff’s accent is reverting back to the southern drawl of his youth, but the children can still speak proper Kiwi English! Robin is getting involved with the missions programme of the church and is glad to be less than a day’s drive from her parents. Savannah is very hot this time of year, and stays moderate through the Winter. Jeff is missing the beautiful golf courses here and Robin finds it hard to get a good cup of tea out anywhere. Jeff is adjusting to preaching to an American audience and reminisces often about New Zealand.


Welcome to ShoreOnAir's blog. This space is dedicated to further discussions of the Sunday broadcasts' content and pursuing resources to equip God's Church for health and growth.

Please stop by and see what's new, what viewers are thinking and join in the discussion!
You'll find our contact information for placing orders, making donations and enquiring about matters of faith and the Bible.
We don't presume to know all, but we'll join you in exploring in pursuit of the truth as revealed in God's Word. We're biblical kinda people and grateful for God's generous grace found in Christ Jesus.