08 May 2007


HeBrEWS: Moving On To Better Things

Visit Shore's website to find resources to add value to what you see and hear on ShoreOnAir!

On the study guides you'll find Discussion Questions like:

If you had 30 seconds to explain to someone who Jesus is, what would you say?

In the first two verses of Hebrews, the author draws several contrasts between how God has spoken in the past and how he has spoken in “these last days.”

What are the major differences between Jesus and the prophets of the Old Testament? What makes him superior?

What difference does it make to your perception of Jesus to think of him as a prophet?

What does it mean for Jesus to be the “heir of all things?” (v2)? How can this change our perspective on our current struggles and difficulties?

How does understanding the phrase “exact representation” (character) as the engraving of an Emperor on a Roman coin help you understand what v3 is saying about Jesus?

How should viewing Jesus as our king change the way we understand and approach him?

In what sense is Jesus a priest?

What is the significance of Jesus “sitting down” after providing purification for sins (v3)? How should this impact our lives?

Which of these three roles—prophet, king, priest—helps you understand Jesus the most? What insight do they provide on his character and actions?

How can we learn to relate better to Jesus as our prophet, king and priest?

Check it out and get involved in the conversation. Add comments! Ask questions!

21 April 2007

Ready for Hebrews!?

Look forward to an in-depth study of The Epistle to the Hebrews on ShoreOnAir!

Reuben starts off with an overview of the entire 13 chapters in one message. Then we'll start looking a little closer.

Be encouraged by this letter, even as the original recipients were encouraged.

Reading through the letter, a chapter a day, will result in a complete read-through in less than 2 weeks. If you do this routinely for the next few months, the Sunday messages will resonate that much better for you.

Check the Shore Community Christian Church website for audio downloads.

See the contact info below to get in touch with us about how ShoreOnAir is of benefit to you.
Let us know about your faith community or what we can do to help you gather together with others to discuss the Bible & grow in faith.

27 February 2007

Who can you tell?

Reuben's first message in the new series REDISCOVERING CHURCH is a great resource for a Small Group or Bible study and it is yours free to record! If, down the road, you'd like the whole series, you can order it from us, but why not record as we go?

Who do you know who loves the Lord, but has trouble with His people gathered together in "churches"? Tell them about ShoreOnAir, 8:30 AM Sundays on Prime!

They can hear biblical teaching that resonates in the hearts & souls of biblical followers of Jesus. We tend to say, "We speak where the Bible speaks & we are silent where the Bible is silent." Who else do you know who is looking for simple New Testament faith & practice? Tune 'em in!

13 February 2007

New Time on PRIME!

Set your alarm, or your VCR, and tune in to ShoreOnAir at 8:30 beginning 4 March.
Tell your friends & family. A new series begins that same day, REDISCOVERING CHURCH, presented by Reuben Munn. This is a great opportunity for you to record these messages for use in a small group or Bible study setting!

Get in touch with us too! Tell us where you are and what you think of ShoreOnAir!

24 January 2007

We'd Love To Hear From You! Or see you!

ShoreOnAir's viewers are scattered throughout NZ and on other islands in the Pacific. We'd love to hear where you are! Write to us at soa@shore.org.nz or leave a comment here.

Reuben & Anna Munn have returned from their studies in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA so watch the Sunday 9 AM spot in late February for Reuben.

Three cheers for Randall, Bruce & Shaun as they've taken us successfully thru 2006 and into the new year! We're all just regular people offering ShoreOnAir for God to use to help you, our viewers, explore and develop your faith. Pray for us & for the effectiveness of this ministry.

If you are in the Auckland area anytime soon, come see us on a Sunday morning!
You'll get the whole deal: connection with believers, great worship, the Lord's Supper and biscuits to go with your cuppa afterwards. Check the time change as we go back to two Sunday AM services: 9 & 10:45 AM, from February 11th.